Ács család

Halotti anyakönyvi kivonat

Áts ViktoriaAge: 2 years18821885

Áts Viktoria
Given names
Birth August 28, 1882 29 21

Birth of a sisterÁts Ilona (Ilka)
September 20, 1884 (Age 2 years)
Death of a sisterÁts Karolin
March 30, 1885 (Age 2 years) Age: 4 1/2 éves
Cause: Torokgyík
Burial of a sisterÁts Karolin
March 31, 1885 (Age 2 years)
Death April 11, 1885 (Age 2 years)
Cause of death: Vörheny
Burial April 13, 1885 (2 days after death)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 12, 1878Lesencetomaj
13 months
elder brother
cs István 1879-1881 L.Németfalu.JPGÁts István
Birth: March 23, 1879 26 18
Death: March 29, 1881Lesencetomaj (Lesencenemetfalu), Zala
18 months
elder sister
Halotti anyakönyvi kivonatÁts Karolin
Birth: September 22, 1880 27 19Lesencetomaj (Lesencenemetfalu), Zala
Death: March 30, 1885Lesencetomaj Nemetfalu, Zala
23 months
Halotti anyakönyvi kivonatÁts Viktoria
Birth: August 28, 1882 29 21
Death: April 11, 1885Lesencetomaj (Lesencenemetfalu), Zala
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
Halotti anyakönyvi kivonatÁts Victoria
Birth: March 8, 1888 35 27
Death: August 3, 1888Lesencetomaj (Lesencenemetfalu), Zala
13 months
younger sister
23 months
younger brother
Hal. Any. Kiv. 1Ács Péter
Birth: February 12, 1891 38 30Lesencetomaj, Veszprém
Death: November 17, 1965Tapolca, Ady E. u. 1-3.
2 years
younger brother
Szül.Áts Lőrincz
Birth: April 2, 1893 40 32
Death: February 25, 1895Lesencetomaj (Lesencenemetfalu), Zala
23 months
younger brother
Szül.Áts Lőrincz
Birth: March 16, 1895 42 34Lesencetomaj, Veszprém
Death: August 10, 1895Nemetfalu, Zala
16 months
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
HalottiÁcs Rafael
Birth: October 18, 1898 45 37Lesence-Németfalu, Zala
Death: April 20, 1899Lesence-Németfalu, Zala
4 years
younger sister

Media objectHalotti anyakönyvi kivonatHalotti anyakönyvi kivonat
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